The New South Wales Government has announced it is currently searching for a Head of NSW State Government Senior IT Manager.

The State Government is calling for an experienced ICT professional, with experience in senior roles as well as experience in developing new opportunities with customers and key industry stakeholders.

The State Government has announced the following prerequisites for candidates

  • Strong market profile
  • Established networks within NSW and other state Governments
  • Demonstrable history in building sustainable senior relationships, particularly dealing with CIO level.
  • Inside government experience will be considered very favorably

The University of Queensland has appointed Professor Peter Høj as its new Vice-Chancellor and President.

Professor Høj is the Vice-Chancellor and President of the University of South Australia and his previous roles include Chief Executive Officer of the Australian Research Council and Managing Director of the Australian Wine Research Institute.

He was selected from a highly-competitive field of candidates.

Professor Høj said he was honoured to be granted the opportunity to lead a research-intensive institution of UQ's stature.

“I look forward to working with UQ staff, students and alumni to further enhance the University's already excellent global reputation for learning, research and outreach activities across a full spectrum of academic disciplines,” he said.

Professor Høj has a Master of Science, PhD and Honorary Doctorate from the University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

He has served on the Prime Minister's Science and Engineering Innovation Council, and his many awards include the Boehringer-Mannheim Medal from the Australian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.

In addition to his Fellowship of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering, he was recently appointed as a Foreign Member (Natural Sciences Class) of The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters.

Global recruitment specialist Hays has released its quarterly report into recruitment trends for the April – June 2012 quarter.

International professional services specialist Hays has released research that found that growth, cloud, social, mobile and analytics are among this year’s top HR trends.

Professor Patrick Heaven, prominent psychology academic and expert, has been appointed Dean of Research at Australian Catholic University (ACU).

Focus Minerals Ltd., a leading Australian gold producer and explorer, has announced the appointment of Paul Fromson as the Company’s new Chief Financial Officer and Company Secretary following the resignation of current CFO Jon Grygorcewicz.

Professor S. Bruce Dowton has been appointed the next Vice-Chancellor and President of Macquarie University, the Chancellor, The Hon. Michael Egan, announced.

The Stockland Board announced the key outcomes of a comprehensive review of the group’s executive remuneration policies.

The CEO Institute, a national organisation whose members are the CEOs and leaders of large private and public companies and professional firms, has released a list of the top 5 issues currently keeping CEOs awake at night.

Verve Energy have announced the appointment of Jason Waters as CEO of Verve Energy, WA’s leading electricity generator.

Specialist rural products and services provider FarmWorks has announced that its CEO, Rick Moody, has resigned effective immediately.

BHP Billiton has announced that its Iron Ore President, Ian Ashby, will be lraving the company at the start of July after over 25 years with the company. Jimmy Wilson, currently BHP Billiton Energy Coal President, will succeed Mr Ashby.

Infrastructure and environment services provider Cardno has announced server new key senior executive appointments.

Mirvac has announced that its Group Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Justin Mitchell has departed the group to pursue other opportunities.

The National Broadband Network Co (NBN Co) has announced Robin Payne as the company's new Chief Financial Officer (CFO), officially placing him in the role he has served in since January following the retirement of Jean-Pascal Beaufret.

The Federal Government has appointed Brian Wilson as the Chair of the Foreign Investment Review Board for a five-year term starting on 16 April.

ANZ has announced Peter Davis as the company’s new CEO in Japan, following his promotion from Global Head of Utilities and Infrastructure at ANZ.

Chief Executive of ANZ Phil Chronican has expressed his confusion with Australia’s ongoing campaign against banks and the pay packages of their executives.

Clean Global Energy has announced it has appointed Michael Curnow as the company's new Non-Executive Director, effective immediately.

Global consultancy firm Golder Associates has announced the appointment of Adam Kilsby as the company’s new leader for Australasia.

The Charted Institute of Logistics and Transport International (CILT) has appointed Kraft Foods senior Logistics Director Keith Newton as its new Secretary General.

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