The Board of Coalworks has urged the company’s shareholders to reject Whitehaven Coal’s takeover offer, describing the move as ‘inadequate and opportunistic and that it significantly undervalues’ the company.

The board outlined the main reasons in rejecting the offer:

  • The offer does not reflect the inherent value of Coalworks’ portfolio of assets nor their growth potential at a time when Coalworks is moving closer to delivering on its strategy of building an independent Australian coal producer.
  • The offer is opportunistic and has been timed to coincide with a separate attempt to destabilise Coalworks by calling a General Meeting to alter composition of the Board by removing Coalworks’ Independent Chairman and Chief Executive Officer.
  • The offer does not reflect the significant synergistic benefits that Whitehaven could achieve by gaining control of Coalworks.

Energy management specialist Schneider Electric has made a senior appointment which will aim to further increase its business focus and integrated solution offering to the Australian water and wastewater sector.

Mr Greg Bourne has been appointed acting chair of the Australian Renewable Energy Agency board (ARENA).

City of Perth Chief Executive Officer Frank Edwards has announced his retirement effective on 21 September.

John D Rogers, CFA, president and CEO of CFA Institute, has issued a call to action to the global investment community at the organization’s 65th Annual Conference in Chicago, calling on the profession to take personal responsibility to restore investor trust and reconnect with the public interest. Rogers outlined three steps the profession must take to achieve this goal, including exercising a bolder voice for professional ethics; focusing on financial activities that enable economic and social progress; and engaging with a wider community to share, teach and engage. (Read a copy of Rogers’ speech.)

Telstra CEO, David Thodey, has announced Robert Nason, Telstra’s Group Managing Director, Business Service and Improvement, will replace retiring FOXTEL chairman Bruch Akhurst.

Colonial First State has announced a major shake-up of its executive management team, with Chief Executive Officer Brian Bissaker reportedly leaving his post after the role being made redundant.

Mining giant BHP Billiton has announced it intends to continue the consolidation of its Stainless Steel Materials and Aluminum Customer Sector Groups (CSGs) into a single CSG to be named Aluminum and Nickel.

Retail giant David Jones has announced a number of key management appointments in addition to a significant head office reshuffle.

The Commonwealth Bank has announced the resignation of Group Executive Retail Banking Services, Ross McEwan, after he accepted the role as Chief Executive Officer, UK Retail with the Royal Bank of Scotland.

Eureka Energy has appointed former BP executive, Robert Willes, as the company's new CEO. 

The Commonwealth Department of Health and Ageing (DoHA) has appointed Dr John Skerritt as the new National Manager of the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) which is responsible for regulating therapeutic goods including medicines, medical devices, blood and blood products.

In making the announcement today, the Secretary of the DoHA, Professor Jane Halton, said Dr John Skerritt, who has a PhD in Pharmacology and is an adjunct Professor at the University of Queensland, is currently the Deputy Secretary of the Department of Primary Industries in the Victorian Government and will come to the TGA with extensive experience in medical, agricultural and environmental policy, regulation, research, research management, technology application and commercialisation.

Dr Skerritt is the former Deputy CEO of the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (a commonwealth statutory authority) and a two term Ministerial appointee on the Gene Technology Technical Advisory Committee (Office of Gene Technology Regulator). He has experience on Boards of international and national organisations and more than 25 years experience in negotiating, leading major technical and commercial collaborations with OECD and Asia-Pacific countries.

Transurban’s CFO Tom Honan has announced his immediate resignation from the company and will br replaced by Samantha Hogg, three weeks after the appointment of Scott Charlton to the role of chief executive.

The Money Market and Debt eXchange (MMADX) has announced it has appointed Michael Go as the company’s first executive director.

Arts Minister Simon Crean announced the appointment of Mr Tim Fairfax AM as Interim Chair of the Council and the reappointment of Dr Ron Radford AM as Director of the National Gallery of Australia for a further two years.

Insurance group QBE has announced a series of major changes to its Group Executive structure following the announcement of Frank O’Halloran’s retirement form the role of Group Chief Executive Officer and John Neal’s appointment to the role effective this August.

The Australian High Court has ruled that seven former non-executive directors of beleaguered construction firm James Hardie breached corporate law by misleading the Australian Stock Exchange over its asbestos compensation fund.

The Federal Government has released legislation for public consultation that will see superannuation funds be obliged to disclose executive remuneration information.

A former Optus marketing executive is suing her former employer for $14.5 million in damages, alleging the company fired her after six months of bullying and victimisation.

Executives at Huawei Australia could be shortlisted as the company’s possible new global CEO, according to a report conducted by the Australian Financial Review (AFR).

The ANZ Bank has announced two senior Research appointments in a bid to further expand the company’s research product offering to its customer base.

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