National Broadband Network Co (NBN Co) Chief Information Officer Claire Rawlins has announced she has stepped down to take up a position at IT group Oracle.

Chief Operating Officer, Ralph Steffens, announced Ms Rawlins' departure, thanking her for her service over the past three years.

Claire has spearheaded the design, build and implementation of our end-to-end business processes, systems, applications and information technology architectures that have enabled NBN Co to operate," Mr Steffens said in an internal memo.

Independent trustee company, The Trust Company (TRU), has announced the appointment of Shailendra Singh as the company's new Chief Financial Officer.

The Western Australian Government has approved the appointment of Alan Mulgrew as the new Chairman of the Western Power Board.

An alarming 46 per cent of Australian workers would rather quit their job than contend with a workplace issue, according to suicide prevention group R U OK?

“On reflection, it’s not surprising that Australian employees are in a pessimistic state as there have been lay-offs occurring across a range of industries over the past few years as well as a strong focus on the weak global economy in our current affairs,” Ms Brown said.

Pacific Brands has confirmed that Sue Morphet will step down from her role as Chief Executive Officer, to be replaced by John Pollaers at the beginning of September.

The Victorian Government has announced the appointment of Serge Sardo as the Chief Executive Officer of the newly established Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation (VRGF).

The Football Federation of Australia (FFA) has confirmed that Chief Executive Officer, Ben Buckley, has announced he will step down from his role at the conclusion of negotiations of the FFA’s new broadcast deal in about two months.

The Sydney Theatre Company has announced the appointment of Andrew Upton as the group's new Artistic Director, a role he has previously shared with wife Cate Blanchet.

iiNet has announced the appointment of Simon Hackett as the company’s new Non-executive Director, effective immediately.

Susan Lloyd-Hurwitz has been announced as Mirvac’s new Chief Operation Officer following the announcement that Nick Collishaw would be stepping down from the role of CEO and Managing Director as of 31 October.

The Australian Financial Services Group (AFS) has announced the appointment of Alan Logan as its new Chief Executive.

Despite the breakdown of traditional barriers in the workplace, many women are increasingly encountering structural barriers that prevent them from entering management positions, a Women in Leadership Forum has heard.

The Federal Government has confirmed the appointment of Jillian Broadbent as the chair of the Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC) Board for a five-year term. Also announced were the appointments of Michael Carapiet, Ian Moor, Anna Karbek and Andrew Stock as the inaugural members of the Board.

The Federal Government has announced the process of appointing a board for the Government Business Enterprise to oversee the private sector delivery of the new freight handling facility at Sydney’s Moorebank has begun and is expected to be completed by the end of this year.

Mr Sarv Girn has been appointed to the position of Chief Information Officer of the Reserve Bank of Australia. The appointment is effective from 3 September.

Retail giant Myer has announced the appointment of Paul McClintock as Non-Executive Director and Chairman-elect following Howard McDonald's decision to step down from the Board in October.

The Western Australian Government has announced the appointment of Simon Ridge, the State's Mining Engineer, as the new executive director of Resources Safety, the body charged with enforcing safe work practices across the state's mining and resources sector. Mr Ridge was promoted to the role following the retirement of Malcolm Russell.

AMP Capital has announced the appointment of Kerry Ching as the company’s new Managing Director Asia.

The Commonwealth Bank has announced the appointment of Matt Cornyn as the company’s new Group Executive, Retail Banking Services.

The South Australian Government has announced the appointment of Rick Persse as the new Chief Executive of the State’s Attorney-General’s Department.

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