Astonishing reports today say the political media advisor to Clive Palmer has been arrested over the kidnapping of an NAB executive.

The journal Science has picked its top ten scientific achievements of the year, highlighting some incredible breakthroughs of 2014.

New studies suggest personality is more important than intelligence when it comes to success in education.

The Australian Government is lending its expertise to help improve Papua New Guinea’s public service.

Former NSW Labor powerbroker Eddie Obeid and his disgraced ally Ian Macdonald are back in court today, as the trials of some of the shadiest men in politics continue.

The Abbott government is seeking to save money by abolishing 138 government bodies, but workers say that while this will see a few dollars saved; it will inundate departments with new duties and red tape.

A team of scientists has been tasked with a particularly difficult project – defining just what is good about Queensland’s famous XXXX beer.

Up to 43 per cent of workers aged 18-24 admitted to faking a sick day in the past 12 months, according to an online poll of 1,035 Australian workers.

Coles will pay $10 million in penalties for the 15 instances of unconscionable conduct against eight suppliers it has been willing to admit.

The Transport Workers’ Union is taking a strong stance on violence against women, saying it should be sought out and condemned in all forms.

The National Broadband Network (NBN Co) and the Federal Government have signed deals with telcos Telstra and Optus to deliver the Coalition's version of high-speed broadband.

New research shows many who claim they are “good” at maths actually aren’t, demonstrating once again the incredible power of self-delusion.

Academics have expressed their views on the final report of the Financial System Inquiry, handed down last weekend.

The head of a major energy company has put the five-year low for oil prices in succinct terms, saying; “It’s an uncertain world.”

ANZ says it will stop kicking embattled farmers off their land for the next twelve months.

Everyone needs some time to unwind, but very few would fill their holiday hours with complex Excel-based challenges.

Australia has moved out of the top ten least corrupt nations in a global ranking, and one legal expert says a federal-level commission is needed to clean out the local parties.

Department of Human Services industrial action starts today, with staff flouting uniform policies, read prepared messages on the phone and taking other measures to voice their disgruntlement.

The Queensland Police Service is feeling some heat from its links with oil and gas giant Santos.

A call has been made for Australian Public Service (APS) managers to look beyond the limitation of offices and project – to see themselves as organs in a “complex human system”.

Floods and fires will leave Australia with a mind-boggling damage bill in coming years, the CSIRO says.

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