Archived News for Executives and Senior Management - September, 2019
The $5 billion Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility (NAIF) has spent nothing in Queensland.
Australia joins Mars effort
Australia will spend $150 million to get involved in America's planned mission to the Moon and then Mars.
Drone strike shows crude links
The drone strike on Saudi Arabia’s oil infrastructure has highlighted the fragile and interconnected relationship between crude oil supply and the global economy, experts say.
New group pushes hydrogen
A new team of Australian experts has formed to support an Australian hydrogen industry.
Pipes required for WA boom
Experts are waiting to see whether fracking in WA will become economically viable.
Taylor threatens Liddell
Energy Minister Angus Taylor has waved the government’s ‘big stick’ at the Liddell power plant.
China expands social system
China is expanding its controversial Social Credit System to 33 million companies.
Call to keep staff off FOI data
The Australian Public Service Commission wants to keep public servants out of documents obtained under FOI.
Frydenberg releases figures
The Federal Government’s budget deficit has added to expectations of a surplus this financial year.
Greens fail to block 'slush fund'
The Greens have failed in a bid to abolish a $1.2 billion federal government “slush fund” for Catholic and independent schools.
Robodebt faces legal challenge
A class action could be launched into the Federal Government’s ‘robodebt’ scheme.
Wind farm rejection questioned
Reports say Josh Frydenberg ignored his departmental experts to block two wind turbines on Lord Howe Island in 2017.
Battery deal to push next generation
Some of Australia’s top scientists have teamed up with a Japanese chemical firm to build next-gen batteries.
CSIRO studies influential few
CSIRO research shows a handful of corporations influence the future of the world.
Fake news probe launched
Politicians have been asked to find advertisements and fake news circulating on social media during elections.
Former mayor to face assault charge
Former Ipswich mayor Paul Pisasale will stand trial on more than a dozen charges, including two of sexual assault.
Qantas boss tops pay list
Qantas chief Alan Joyce is Australia's highest-paid CEO, taking home over 275 times the full-time average wage.
Treaty path continues
Victorian Aboriginal communities will soon elect representatives to draw lines for negotiating a treaty.
'Big stick' looms again
The Federal Government will soon reintroduce its ‘big stick’ energy legislation.