Archived News for Executives and Senior Management - March, 2018
The view of Australia’s mining attractiveness has dropped, according to ...
Caltex accused of huge non-compliance
A new report slams Caltex for widespread breaches of workplace laws.
Confidence not key for working women
Research suggests confidence helps men get ahead but makes little difference for women.
Hackathon helps mine giant
A high-tech equipment inspection system has taken top prize at Komatsu’s three-day mining ‘hackathon’.
QLD denied disability exemption
The Human Rights Commission has refused to exempt the Queensland Government’s new $4.4 billion trains from disability laws.
Report predicts rapid automation
With continued workforce automation on the way, experts say HR needs to get ready.
Pollution savings could pay for Paris
Experts say the health benefits could outweigh the costs of implementing the Paris Climate Agreement.
Rio faces court on coal claims
ASIC is taking legal action against Rio Tinto and two former executives over an African coal investment.
Snowy buy-out announced
The Federal Government is planning to buy out New South Wales and Victoria’s shares in Snowy Hydro for $6 billion.
ATO to chase crypto-money
The Australian government is planning high-tech checks to chase tax from bitcoin investors.
Cormann explains charity change
The Finance Minister has responded to the charity sector’s concerns about its inclusion in a new foreign donations ban.
WGEA study shows closing
New research shows Australian employers that measure their gender pay gaps are making positive progress in closing them.