Archived News for Executives and Senior Management - October, 2017
Adani says it will soon start work on a rail link for its Carmichael coal mine, despite needing billions in finance.
Battery supply chain assessed
Materials scientists say Australia should anticipate long-term growth in demand for electric vehicles and start planning now.
Chevron shifts away from Bight
Energy giant Chevron has abandoned plans to drill for oil in the Great Australian Bight.
Defence theft detailed
The Australian Signals Directorate (ASD) has provided new details on the theft of 30GB of “commercially sensitive” defence designs.
Insurance shake-up detailed
The Federal Government has announced a major private health shakeup, but some say it should go further.
Kaspersky kept for now
The Federal Government has not banned beleaguered Russian anti-virus company Kaspersky Lab.
NBN working on old issues
NBN Co says it is “working flat out” to resolve support tickets for new connections.
Telstra sets AI on ad spend
Telstra has used machine learning to check the effectiveness of its advertising spend.
Banks deny profit drive
Two big bank leaders say they did not necessarily try to profit off APRA’s new lending laws.
BCA backs lifelong learning
The Business Council of Australia wants a serious overhaul of higher education.
IMF knocks down local view
The International Monetary Fund has cut its growth forecasts for the Australian economy.
PC reports on GST
The Productivity Commission has recommended some tweaks to the GST formula, but ...
Serco sweeping into Centrelink
The Federal Government is moving to privatise Centrelink’s much-maligned call centre, triggering outrage from the CPSU.
Abbott backs anti-science line
Former prime minister Tony Abbott says that if the world is getting warmer, it’s a good thing.
Abuses assessed in ASX leaders
A new report has plotted human rights risks in the operations and supply chains of ...
CBA class action starting
A huge class action has been launched against the Commonwealth Bank (CBA).
Gold Coast developer help revealed
New emails reveal the deep links between the Gold Coast Council and Chinese developer ASF.
WorleyParsons seeking UK seas
Australian engineering firm WorleyParsons is buying its way into the UK North Sea petroleum market.
Asbestos triggers Opera walk-off
Electricians working on $200 million Sydney Opera House renovations have walked off the job following the discovery of asbestos.
ATO sets out IT overhaul
The Australian Taxation Office has launched a four-year project to overcome its repeated IT failures.