More than five million Australians have received a boost to their Centrelink payments.

The latest round of indexation has come into effect, offering some help for social security payments against the rising cost of living.

Key payments affected by the indexation include the Age Pension, Disability Support Pension, JobSeeker, and Commonwealth Rent Assistance. 

Single people on the aged pension will see an increase of $28.10 per fortnight, bringing their total payment to $1,144.40. Couples will receive an additional $21.20 each, with a combined total of $1,725.20 per fortnight.

Disability Support Pension and Carer Payment recipients will match the Age Pension increase, with singles now receiving $1,144.40, and each member of a couple receiving $862.60 per fortnight.

Single JobSeeker recipients without children will get an extra $15.30, raising their fortnightly payment to $778. For single parents or those with children, the increase will be $16.30. Recipients with an assessed partial capacity to work will see the largest rise, with an additional $71.20 per fortnight.

Rent assistance will increase by 10 per cent. For singles without dependent children, the maximum rate will go from $188.20 to $211.20 per fortnight, while couples will receive $199. Families with children will see an increase of $27.02.

The increases are part of the government's regular indexation process, helping welfare payments keep pace with inflation.

However, many consider the payment levels to be inadequate. 

The Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS) welcomed the rise but called for more substantial reforms. 

“JobSeeker, Youth Allowance, and related payments remain below all measures of adequacy,” ACOSS said, urging the government to lift the JobSeeker rate to $80 a day to help Australians cover basic expenses.

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