A new report shows the growing international success of First Nations trade and tourism businesses. 

The government’s First Nations Businesses Succeeding Internationally Report highlights significant contributions by these businesses, which are driving economic growth and creating jobs at a rate higher than non-exporting businesses.

The report found that First Nations exporters generated over $670 million in revenue in the 2022-23 financial year, employing seven times more workers than other First Nations businesses. 

First Nations tourism enterprises employed nearly 7,000 people and generated close to $1 billion in revenue as international tourism rebounded post-pandemic.

According to Trade and Tourism Minister Don Farrell, the findings reinforce the historical role of First Nations people in trade.

“First Nations peoples were our first traders; and we know when First Nations businesses succeed, the nation succeeds,” he said. 

Minister for Indigenous Australians, Malarndirri McCarthy, praised the role of these businesses in sharing First Nations culture globally. 

“They are not just providing products, they are sharing important stories, culture and traditions with the world,” she said.

The report was developed in collaboration with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Austrade, and Supply Nation.

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